Complaints Procedure
To Make a Complaint
We always endeavour to provide the best service and products for our customers. However, we recognise that there may be times where our customers may not be completely satisfied.
To ensure we are able to put things rights as soon as we can, please read and follow our complaints procedure below and we will respond promptly to ensure complete satisfaction.
As soon as possible after the completion of the works, please inspect the work to ensure everything has been carried out as you like it and to a high standard.
In the unlikely event there is anything you are not completely satisfied with, please contact us as soon as you can in order that we can rectify any problems as soon as possible.
You can call us on 01673 818 157
(Please note contacting us via social media platforms or text message or WhatsApp is not a formal communication channel and from 01.01.23 is no longer accepted as a means of contact)

Inportant Cleaning Information
This glass is fitted with a clear film to stop condensation from forming. It has no protective hard-coat so can scratch very easily and become hazy if not cared for correctly.
This irreversible haziness (damage) can occur only after a few weeks of incorrect cleaning as pictured.
Cleaning method:
Warm soapy water, soft clean non-abrasive cloth and soft squeegee.
Do NOT use:
- Fibrous cloths such as J cloths which can snag the corners and lift the films edges.
- Paper towels or brushes
- Any chemical based sprays, industrial strength cleaners or solutions containing abrasive materials
- Any ammonia based solutions
- Rubber squeegees that have become hardened